Partner with PIFS

Pay it Forward Scholarships partners with schools to provide scholarships for students!

As an approved SSO (student scholarship organization) PIFS is responsible for doing ALL the scholarship administration! Partnering with PIFS isn't going to add a lot of additional work for you or your staff members.

The first step is to set up a meeting with PIFS so we can learn more about your school and the students and families you serve. Then the school completes an information form so we can update our database with preferred contact information and together we make a communication plan.

Schools will also need to verify enrollment and eligibility of students, which typically occurs in January-March. Finally, scholarship funds are distributed to students (annually in April - May) and credited to the student's account at the school in order to reduce their tuition.

We recommend that schools host an Info Session each year for your constituents to learn more about the program and have an opportunity to ask questions. Pay it Forward Scholarships also provides access to different resources which can be customized with your school’s name and logo to help inform parents, donors, faculty and staff, and friends of the school about PIFS and how they can get involved.

In order for a school to be eligible to receive scholarship funds from Pay it Forward Scholarships, the school must be accredited or in the process of becoming accredited.

Partner Schools

We want our partnership with each school to be a success. Below are highlights of what schools can expect throughout the year and ways to connect with Pay it Forward Scholarships.

  • PIFS schedules enrollment verification appointments with each partner school during the months of January-March. Tax credits are being donated throughout this time period. Note: This is the busiest time of year for PIFS.

  • It is PIFS' goal to communicate with schools (and parents) the expectations for the scholarship distribution process and amount awarded to each student starting April 15th. Communications and distributions continue to occur through May and June as needed and as we work through this process.

  • Use the summer months to prepare for the upcoming scholarship cycle. Request items from our toolbox and schedule your school’s Info Session.

  • The fall months are the perfect time to send out information on the upcoming tax credit season and scholarship cycle and to host a PIFS Info Session for your constituents. Plan to attend the annual Schools Meeting that is held in October/November of each year.

  • The deadline to apply for the Pay it Forward Scholarship is December 31st for the upcoming cycle. Example - December 31, 2025 will be the deadline for the 2026 Pay it Forward Scholarship

Contact Pay it Forward Scholarships